The Final Report

You are now at the end of the instructional design process you began at the beginning of the course. Throughout the duration of this course you:
- Learned about the systematic process of instructional design.
- Defined a need you wanted to address with instruction.
- Wrote an appropriate, feasible, and clearly stated goal statement.
- Analyzed your goal statement to identify goal steps, substeps, and subordinate skills.
- Analyzed your learners.
- Analyzed both the performance and learning contexts.
- Wrote objectives for each of the skills in your instructional analysis.
- Created assessment items to help you determine if your instruction is successful.
- Developed an instructional strategy detailing how you will present your instruction to the learners.
- Described how you would go about developing and delivering your instruction.
- Described procedures for conducting a formative evaluation of your instructional materials.

The last thing you will do in this course is to compile all of the pertinent parts of your Instructional Design project into one big exciting Final Report. Mainly this will involve cutting and pasting from your previous documents to the Final Report document. However, the important thing to remember is that this report should contain any revisions you have made to earlier parts of the project. These revisions may have been based on the feedback you received, or any changes you made on your own. You do not need to go back and revise each individual part of the project, but your Final Report should contain the "finished product" from each of these parts. This is your last chance to bring it all together in a finished form.

Here is what your Final Report should contain:

1. From Part One of your ID Project:
   1) Your summary description of your learning need. Do not include your answers to the individual questions.
   2) Your finished goal statement. Again, do not include your answers to the individual questions.

2. From Part Two of your ID Project:
   1) Summary of which learning domain your goal is classified into.
   2) Completed instructional analysis flowchart listing all goal steps, substeps, subordinate skills, and entry skills. If you wish you may put the flowchart at the end of your document and point the reader there.

3. From Part Three of your ID Project:
   1) The summary description of your learners.
   2) The summary description of your performance context.
   3) The summary description of your learning context.

4. From Part Four of your ID Project:
   1) Your three-column design evaluation chart that lists your skills, objectives, and assessment items.

5. From Part Five of your ID Project:
   1) Your entire instructional strategy, including all of the charts.

6. From Part Six of your ID Project:
   1) The summary description of your proposed development procedures.
   2) The summary description of your proposed formative evaluation procedures.

7. From Lesson 1 "Design" (Remember in the first lesson, you learned about design. In the other lessons of this course, you learned about one specific type of design: Design for learning. Now that you have completed all of the readings and lessons, look back at how you thought about design in the first lesson.)
ON THE FINAL PAGE OF your Final ID Project, Respond to the following reflective prompts:
   1) Do your thoughts about design still align with how you previously thought about design or did your views somewhat change? Looking back at your answers in activity 1.1, describe whether and how your views towards design changed after taking this course.
   2) Update your definition of design if you deem that necessary.
   3) Finally, in one or two paragraphs, discuss in what ways you think design for learning relates to design in general.

Use appropriate headings to separate each of the sections. For example, you might structure your report like this:

1. Need for Instruction

2. Goal Statement

3. Learning Domain

4. Instructional Analysis

5. Target Population

6. Performance and Learning Contexts

7. Skills, Objectives, and Assessment Items

8. Instructional Strategy

9. Proposed Development Procedures

10. Proposed Formative Evaluation Procedures

11. Reflection

However you choose to organize it, your report should be easy to follow, and should accurately describe the instructional product you intend to develop.

Submitting Your Final Report

Your Final Report should be typed up in Microsoft Word. At the top of the paper type "ID Project Final Report". Underneath that include your name, email address, and the date. When you save the file name it "final".After you have saved your file, go to the student interface and submit your assignment for grading. Click here if you need additional information regarding submission of your assignment.

Assignment: ID Project Final Report

Points: 32

Grading Criteria:
- Description of instructional need. (2)
- Meaningful, worthwhile goal statement. (2)
- Goal classified into appropriate domain. (2)
- Instructional analysis flowchart that includes all necessary goal steps, substeps, subordinate skills, and entry skills. Follows proper diagramming conventions. (4)
- Description of the target population. (2)
- Description of performance and learning contexts. (3)
- Three-column design evaluation chart that lists all skills, objectives, and assessment items. (6)
- Completed instructional strategy that includes all required charts (Sequence and Clustering of Objectives; Preinstructional, Assessment, and Follow-Through Activities; Content Presentation and Student Participation; Lesson Allocation; and Consolidation of Media Selections and Choice of Delivery System). (7)
- Description of proposed development procedures. (1)
- Description of proposed formative evaluation procedures. (1)
- Completed reflection as last page of project (2)