
Read Chapter 9, Developing Instructional Materials, from Dick, Carey & Carey.


Due to the timeframe of this course, you will not be developing your instructional materials at this time. However, you may have opportunities to complete work on your instructional design project as you progress through the ITMA program;

If you've completed all of the steps up to this point, take a moment to stop and reflect on your progress. What remains is to develop (create) your instructional materials, try them out, make any necessary revisions, and then implement your instruction. At the end of the development process you should have a completed instructional package that includes your instructional materials, assessment instruments, and course management information.

Developing the Instructional Materials

In the development stage of instructional design, you select existing instructional materials, develop your own instructional materials, or create specifications for someone else to develop them.

Selecting Instructional Materials

Should you choose to use existing instructional materials to address your goal, there are several things to keep in mind. Existing materials in your content area they may not match up with your objectives. If there are no materials available that can be adopted or adapted for your instructional strategy, you will have to develop the materials yourself. It is also important to consider your role in the delivery of the instruction.

Developing your own Materials

When you develop your own instructional materials, you may be creating lecture notes, handouts, worksheets, PowerPoint presentations, multimedia programs, and/or formal tests. You will need to give some thought to what materials or products you could use to develop them and whtether special software or equipment is needed. You may need to go back and modify your original decisions to reflect any existing materials you have found, the realities of development and production costs, and any other new thoughts you may have about the process.

When developing your instructional materials, it is best to first develop a rough draft to use in a formative evaluation procedure. These materials should be a low-cost version of your design that can be delivered to a subject matter expert, several learners, or a small group of learners for tryout. Based on these experiences you can then proceed to develop your full-blown materials.

Creating Specifications for Someone Else

In some cases the designer is not the same person who will develop the instruction. In many instructional projects the designer prepares the design documents and then hands them over to a team of developers, who then develop the instructional materials to those specifications. If you are a teacher you are probably laughing at the thought of having outside help, however, you may know of somebody who can help you with your web pages, graphics, video production, or computer coding. Also, keep in mind that throughout this program you will acquire additional skills that will help you create web pages, graphics, audio, and video, so don't underestimate your abilities.

Your role in Delivering the Instruction

In some cases the designer is not the same person who will deliver the instruction. In many instructional projects the finished materials are given to an entirely different person or persons for delivery to the learners. If you are the instructor, will you have an active (teaching) role in the delivery of the materials, or will the students learn on their own? How much guidance will you provide as an instructor? Perhaps your materials will be delivered independently of an instructor (e.g., video or computer-based). If this is the case then all of the learning components and events will have to be included within the instructional materials.

Activity: Development

In this activity you will begin working on the development aspects of your ID project.

After reading Chapter 9 in the book, briefly answer the following items regarding the development of your instructional materials. Please answer each item separately:

  1. Describe any existing materials that are available that will match up with your instructional strategy.

  2. Think about the delivery system you chose, and the types of media you specified in your instructional strategy. Describe the types of instructional materials that you will have to develop.

  3. Describe your role in the development of the instruction. Are the developmental tasks you have specified "doable" by you? Will you seek outside help?

  4. Describe your role in the delivery of the instruction. Are you the instructor, or will you hand over your completed instructional materials to someone else?

  5. Considering your required materials, describe any rough draft versions you could produce to try out before developing final versions of your materials.
When you have addressed each of these questions, write a summary describing your developmental needs, your role in the development process, and an idea of how you might develop a rough draft of your materials.

Submitting your Assignment

This assignment should be produced using Microsoft Word. The title of this assignment is "Development & Formative Evaluation". Beneath that, enter your name, email address, and the date. Save your assignment using the filename "development". You will continue to work on Lesson 12-Formative Evaluation and append it to this assignment, so do not submit it in until then.

Assignment: Development

Points: 5

Grading Criteria

- Describes any existing materials that might match up with their instructional strategy. (.5)
- Describes the materials that will have to be developed, along with any special software or equipment required for their development. (.5)
- Describes their role in the development process. Will they develop all of the materials by themselves? If not, describes any outside help they will seek. (.5)
- Describes their role in the delivery process. Are they the instructor? Also, describes the amount of guidance that will be provided to the learners. (.5)
- Describes the types of rough draft materials they might produce to try out prior to full-blown development. (.5)
- Summary that describes their developmental needs, their role in the development process, and how they might develop a rough draft of their materials. (2.5)